3 Games Reviews
TheMrIron2 edited this page 2017-10-02 21:11:05 +02:00


(by Mr_Iron2 unless specified)

Skyfall (Nitrosoft Games)

Description: The sky is finally falling, and fragments of the heavens are dropping to the ground, destroying everything! Clamber atop the snow and try to make your way into the sky without being crushed.

Review: Skyfall is a unique game that does not seem to draw any inspiration from any real life games, making it a new concept. Skyfall has nice visuals and runs very fluidly on MES. Gameplay is usually solid however it's not perfect - sometimes jumping physics will not function correctly, for example. An excellent game to demonstrate your MES.

##Score: 8.5/10

TRON (PixelToast)

Description: A simple TRON style multiplayer game. A 2 player Rednet multiplayer game where the objective is to outlast your opponent.

Review: TRON is, simply put, fantastic. I cannot fault TRON - rednet spam aside. The gameplay is simple but effective, and is a blast to play with another player. The best ComputerCraft multiplayer game there is.

Score: 10/10

Whosit! (TNT_Nolan)

Description: This program takes a input of players and spins them and gives out a result.

Review: Now, to be fair to the developer, this was his very first "game" and even called it more of a program. It is also one of the very few programs coded in LuaIDE by GravityScore, which is very interesting. However, it cannot salvage this game from the awful gameplay. If the developer reads this; don't be discouraged, this was your first game after all, but next time try to get a more entertaining concept.

##Score: 3/10

Fish Simulator (thewmatt)

Description: This simulator is about fish roaming around in the water. Features Startup Screen, 3 fish (can be any colour), Seaweed Background, Multiple ways to kill the fish (starvation, using the kill button or overfeeding), very easy controls, 1 health monitor and infinite food

Review: Before I start, I will say that this game works well on MES - aside from a graphical bug or two regarding the backdrop - and has no issues as mouse control isn't mandatory. It is also one of the few openly open source games I know of. Now for the review; it's good. Visuals are decent although they clearly don't translate well to the monochrome screen, gameplay is slightly tedious at times but it is a very simple game and very slow paced. I must credit the game; it is not buggy at all (aside from monochrome visuals), it is a unique concept and best of all it is simple but enjoyable.

##Score: 8/10