1 [DEVELOPER] Q Link Info
TheMrIron2 edited this page 2017-03-18 21:08:16 +00:00

Using Q-Link in your program?

Q-Link is the online service for the Commander 64. Any and all Commander 64s with a working wireless modem is able to utilise Q-Link. If you are a developer and would like to use Q-Link, we have detailed instructions and tips below.

  • To verify that Q-Link is online or check its current status, run "modem.transmit(6464,6464,{sType = "requestStatus"})".

  • Q-Link's primary server uses channel 6464 to send/receive information; to transmit info to the main server, use this channel

  • For server-based online play or other custom uses for servers, it is advised you create your own servers to do so. However, your games should connect to Q-Link to verify the Commander 64 servers are still online. If the core servers for Q-Link are offline, support has been completely terminated and it is unlikely the game servers are still up.

  • Q-Link is a service that will not go offline until support has been totally terminated. As long as Commander 64s are still being used, Q-Link will be online. When the C64 fan base dies and nobody requests anything about the C64, the Q-Link service will be terminated due to lack of interest, in the best interests of those hosting the servers; it prevents server computers being run without being used and therefore dragging down the Minecraft server for no reason, along with taking up space that could be used for a newer service.