0 [DEVELOPER] CPU API Documentation
TheMrIron2 edited this page 2017-09-24 16:14:14 +02:00


The CPU API is a flexible and fast API for all of your processing needs. This is complete documentation of all CPU commands, what they do and how to use them.

Bit API functions

cpu.blshift(n, bit)

Shifts a number left by a specified number of bits

cpu.brshift(n, bit)

Shifts a number right arithmetically by a specified number of bits

cpu.blogic_rshift(n, bit)

Shifts a number right logically by a specified number of bits

cpu.bxor(m, n)

Computes the bitwise exclusive OR of two numbers

cpu.bor(m, n)

Computes the bitwise inclusive OR of two numbers

cpu.band(m, n)

Computes the bitwise AND of two numbers


Computes the bitwise NOT of a number

  • There are also standard parallel commands along with multishell with the prefix t (eg. multishell.launch becomes cpu.tLaunch)

Other processes


Waits for a certain amount of time


Process and serialize given data.


Reverse serialization on data.


Serialize data in JSON form.


Encode a string in URL suitable form.


Use location processes to attempt to find location