mirror of https://github.com/teverse/teverse
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4 Commits
Author | SHA1 | Date |
Jay | 32170d9cd2 | |
Jay | e724c6011a | |
Jay | e6a2a54bbd | |
Jay | 08c7b5bfee |
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -25,132 +25,711 @@ end
--------------- Docs Begin ---------------
addDocs("baseClass", {
description = "The superclass of all Teverse classes",
properties = {
name = property("A none unique identifier"),
className = property("The name of the object's class"),
id = property("A unique identifier used internally, use is not recommended as this may be nil"),
children = property("A readonly table of child objects, a reference to this table will not remain up to date")
methods = {
getDescendants = method("Returns a table of all descended objects", nil, {"table"}),
destroy = method("Locks the object before removing it from the hierarchy. Children will also be destroyed."),
destroyAllChildren = method("Invokes the destroy method on each child of this instance."),
isContainer = method("Returns true if this object can contain other objects.", nil, {
isA = method("Returns true if this object is derived from the className given.", {
className = "string"
}, {
hasChild = method("Returns true if this object has a child with the name given", {
name = "string"
}, { "boolean" }),
isDescendantOf = method("Returns true if this object is a descendant of the ancestor object given", {
ancestor = "baseClass"
}, {"boolean"}),
getFullName = method("Returns a string including ancestor names", nil, {"string"}),
clone = method("Creates and returns a copy of this object", nil, {"variant"}),
describe = method("", nil, {"string"})
events = {
changed = event("Fired when a property changes", {
propertyName = "string",
newValue = "variant",
oldValue = "variant"
childAdded = event("Fired when a child is added", {
child = "variant"
childRemoved = event("Fired when a child is removed", {
child = "variant"
destroying = event("Fired just before an object is destroyed."),
addDocs("graphics", {
properties = {
ambientColour = property("How bright the scene is"),
className = property("undefined"),
name = property("undefined"),
clearColour = property("The background colour of the scene"),
methods = {
reloadShaders = method("Reloads the shaders of the scene and recompiles if possible.", nil, nil),
events = {
frameDrawn = event("undefined", {['timeSinceLast'] = 'number'}),
addDocs("audioEmitter", {
description = "",
properties = {
position = property("Location of the sound in 3D space"),
audioFile = property("The file that teverse will use to load sound, using [[resource locators]]."),
methods = {
play = method("play the loaded audio file")
addDocs("json", {
properties = {
name = property("undefined"),
className = property("undefined"),
methods = {
decode = method("undefined", {['string'] = 'json'}, {'table'}),
encodeWithTypes = method("undefined", {['table'] = 'table'}, {'string'}),
encode = method("undefined", {['table'] = 'table'}, {'stripe'}),
events = {
addDocs("networking", {
properties = {
className = property("undefined"),
ping = property("The last ping result"),
connectionStatus = property("Current status of the connection"),
me = property("false if not connected, once connected this is set to the current user object"),
name = property("undefined"),
serverId = property("the id of the connected server"),
methods = {
toServer = method("Sends a message to the connected server", {['string'] = 'eventName', ['...'] = '...'}, nil),
bind = method("binds the provide callback to the eventname. Returns a table with a disconnect method.", {['string'] = 'eventName', ['function'] = 'callback'}, {'table'}),
toAllClients = method("Broadcasts a message to all connected clients (server only)", {['string'] = 'eventName', ['...'] = '...'}, nil),
toClient = method("Broadcasts a message to the connected client (server only)", {['client'] = 'client', ['string'] = 'eventName', ['...'] = '...'}, nil),
events = {
connected = event("undefined", {}),
pingUpdate = event("undefined", {}),
disconnected = event("undefined", {['ping'] = 'number'}),
addDocs("client", {
properties = {
className = property("undefined"),
id = property("the client's unique identifer"),
methods = {
events = {
addDocs("clients", {
properties = {
name = property("undefined"),
className = property("undefined"),
methods = {
getClientFromId = method("undefined", {['string'] = 'id'}, {'client'}),
events = {
clientDisconnected = event("undefined", {['client'] = 'client'}),
clientConnected = event("undefined", {['client'] = 'client'}),
addDocs("physics", {
properties = {
running = property("wherever or not the simulation is running"),
className = property("undefined"),
name = property("undefined"),
gravity = property("the rate of gravity, defaults to 0, -9.8, 0-"),
methods = {
getContacts = method("unimplemented", {['block'] = 'block'}, {'nil'}),
resume = method("resumes physics and sets running to true", nil, nil),
rayTestScreenAllHits = method("runs a ray test query with our physics engine from the absolute coordinates x,y", {['number'] = 'x', ['number'] = 'y', ['table'] = 'exclusion'}, {'table'}),
rayTestAllHits = method("runs a ray test query with our physics engine between the start and end points provided", {['vector3'] = 'start', ['vector3'] = 'end', ['table'] = 'exclusion'}, {'table'}),
pause = method("stops the physics engine and sets running to false", nil, nil),
rayTestClosest = method("runs a ray test query with our physics engine between the start and end points provided", {['vector3'] = 'start', ['vector3'] = 'end'}, {'table'}),
rayTestScreen = method("runs a ray test query with our physics engine from the x,y screen position", {['number'] = 'x', ['number'] = 'y'}, {'table'}),
events = {
addDocs("debug", {
properties = {
name = property("undefined"),
className = property("undefined"),
methods = {
locals = method("undefined", nil, nil),
getfenv = method("undefined", nil, nil),
upvalues = method("undefined", nil, nil),
events = {
output = event("undefined", {['output'] = 'string'}),
addDocs("http", {
properties = {
name = property("undefined"),
className = property("undefined"),
methods = {
post = method("Is callback is nil, this function yields and returns the httpResult", {['string'] = 'url', ['string'] = 'body', ['function'] = 'callback'}, {'httpResult'}),
request = method("Is callback is nil, this function yields and returns the httpResult. ", {['string'] = 'requestType', ['string'] = 'url', ['string'] = 'body', ['table'] = 'headers', ['function'] = 'callback'}, {'httpResult'}),
urlEncode = method("url encodes the string", {['string'] = 'url'}, {'string'}),
urlDecode = method("decodes the url", {['string'] = 'url'}, {'string'}),
get = method("Is callback is nil, this function yields and returns the httpResult", {['string'] = 'url', ['function'] = 'callback'}, {'httpResult'}),
events = {
addDocs("input", {
properties = {
screenSize = property("The size of the screen"),
mousePosition = property("The position of the mouse"),
className = property("undefined"),
mouseFocusedGui = property("The gui element currently capturing the mouse input"),
name = property("undefined"),
cursorTexture = property("the cursor's texture"),
methods = {
isKeyDown = method("returns if the key is pressed", {['enums.key'] = 'key'}, {'bool'}),
isMouseButtonDown = method("returns if the mouse is down", {['enums.mouseButton'] = 'mb'}, {'boo'}),
events = {
mouseLeftPressed = event("input event", {['inputObject'] = 'inputObject'}),
keyReleased = event("input event", {['inputObject'] = 'inputObject'}),
keyPressed = event("input event", {['inputObject'] = 'inputObject'}),
mouseMiddleReleased = event("input event", {['inputObject'] = 'inputObject'}),
mouseMiddlePressed = event("input event", {['inputObject'] = 'inputObject'}),
mouseScrolled = event("input event", {['inputObject'] = 'inputObject'}),
mouseRightReleased = event("input event", {['inputObject'] = 'inputObject'}),
mouseMoved = event("input event", {['inputObject'] = 'inputObject'}),
mouseRightPressed = event("input event", {['inputObject'] = 'inputObject'}),
mouseLeftReleased = event("input event", {['inputObject'] = 'inputObject'}),
addDocs("folder", {
properties = {
className = property("undefined"),
methods = {
events = {
addDocs("assetsFolder", {
properties = {
name = property("undefined"),
className = property("undefined"),
methods = {
events = {
addDocs("luaFolder", {
properties = {
className = property("undefined"),
name = property("undefined"),
disableDefaultLoaders = property("If true, default scripts are not loaded when the game is in play mode"),
methods = {
events = {
addDocs("script", {
properties = {
className = property("undefined"),
source = property("the script's source"),
id = property("undefined"),
autoRun = property("if true, teverse runs this automatically"),
ran = property("true after the script starts"),
methods = {
run = method("runs the script", nil, nil),
editExternal = method("opens the script in the user's default text editor", nil, nil),
events = {
addDocs("luaClientFolder", {
properties = {
name = property("undefined"),
className = property("undefined"),
methods = {
events = {
addDocs("luaServerFolder", {
properties = {
name = property("undefined"),
className = property("undefined"),
methods = {
events = {
addDocs("luaSharedFolder", {
properties = {
name = property("undefined"),
className = property("undefined"),
methods = {
events = {
addDocs("block", {
description = "",
properties = {
linearFactor = property("Restricts the linear movement in the physics engine. A value of (1,1,1) allows the object to move in all directions whereas (0,1,0) means the object can only move up and down on the y axis."),
doNotSerialise = property("The built in game serialiser will not serialise objects with this set as true."),
workshopLocked = property("Solely used in workshop"),
meshScale = property("This is the value Teverse has had to scale the loaded mesh down in order to fit it in a 1x1x1 bounding box"),
position = property("Location of the object in 3D space"),
mesh = property("The file that teverse will use to load a 3d model, using [[resource locators]]."),
physics = property("When true, things like raycasting may not work correctly for this object"),
static = property("When true, this object will not move as it will become unaffected by forces including gravity."),
opacity = property("A value of 1 indicates this object is not transparent.")
methods = {
applyImpulseAtPosition = method("Applies an impulse force at a relative position to this object", {
impulse = "vector3",
position = "vector3"
applyImpulse = method("Applies an impulse force to this object", {
impulse = "vector3",
applyForceAtPosition = method("Applies a force at a relative position to this object", {
force = "vector3",
position = "vector3"
applyForce = method("Applies a force to this object", {
force = "vector3",
applyTorque = method("Applies a force to this object", {
torque = "vector3",
applyTorqueImpulse = method("Applies a force to this object", {
torqueImpulse = "vector3",
lookAt = method("Changes the objects rotation so that it is looking towards the provided position.", {
position = "vector3",
properties = {
renderQueue = property("not implemented"),
linearFactor = property("Restricts the linear movement in the physics engine. A value of (1,1,1) allows the object to move in all directions whereas (0,1,0) means the object can only move up and down on the y axis."),
doNotSerialise = property("The built in game serialiser will not serialise objects with this set as true."),
friction = property("Physics"),
linearDamping = property("Physics"),
metalness = property("undefined"),
restitution = property("Physics"),
size = property("undefined"),
workshopLocked = property("Solely used in workshop"),
meshScale = property("This is the value Teverse has had to scale the loaded mesh down in order to fit it in a 1x1x1 bounding box"),
mesh = property("The file that teverse will use to load a 3d model, using [[resource locators]]."),
roughness = property("undefined"),
emissiveness = property("undefined"),
position = property("Location of the object in 3D space"),
physics = property("When true, things like raycasting may not work correctly for this object"),
colour = property("undefined"),
angularFactor = property("Physics"),
networkedId = property("undefined"),
static = property("When true, this object will not move as it will become unaffected by forces including gravity."),
linearVelocity = property("Physics"),
className = property("undefined"),
rotation = property("undefined"),
castsShadows = property("undefined"),
angularDamping = property("Physics"),
wireframe = property("undefined"),
angularVelocity = property("Physics"),
opacity = property("A value of 1 indicates this object is not transparent."),
methods = {
applyImpulseAtPosition = method("Applies an impulse force at a relative position to this object", {['vector3'] = 'impulse', ['vector3'] = 'position'}, nil),
applyImpulse = method("Applies an impulse force to this object", {['vector3'] = 'impulse'}, nil),
applyForce = method("Applies a force to this object", {['vector3'] = 'force'}, nil),
applyTorque = method("Applies a force to this object", {['vector3'] = 'torque'}, nil),
applyForceAtPosition = method("Applies a force at a relative position to this object", {['vector3'] = 'position', ['vector3'] = 'force'}, nil),
lookAt = method("Changes the objects rotation so that it is looking towards the provided position.", {['vector3'] = 'position'}, nil),
applyTorqueImpulse = method("Applies a force to this object", {['vector3'] = 'torqueImpulse'}, nil),
events = {
mouseLeftPressed = event("undefined", {}),
collisionStarted = event("undefined", {}),
mouseLeftReleased = event("undefined", {}),
mouseRightPressed = event("undefined", {}),
mouseRightReleased = event("undefined", {}),
collisionEnded = event("undefined", {}),
mouseMiddleReleased = event("undefined", {}),
mouseMiddlePressed = event("undefined", {}),
addDocs("workspace", {
properties = {
name = property("undefined"),
className = property("undefined"),
methods = {
events = {
addDocs("camera", {
description = "",
properties = {
methods = {
worldToScreen = method("Converts a 3d cooridinate into screenspace. Returns a bool indicating if the point is infront of the camera, returns a vector2 with the screenspace coordinates,", {
position = "vector3"
}, {"boolean", "vector2", "number"}),
lookAt = method("Changes the objects rotation so that it is looking towards the provided position.", {
position = "vector3",
properties = {
fov = property("undefined"),
position = property("undefined"),
className = property("undefined"),
name = property("undefined"),
rotation = property("undefined"),
methods = {
screenToWorld = method("undefined", nil, nil),
worldToScreen = method("Converts a 3d cooridinate into screenspace. Returns a bool indicating if the point is infront of the camera, returns a vector2 with the screenspace coordinates,", {['vector3'] = 'position'}, {'boolean', 'vector2', 'number'}),
lookAt = method("Changes the objects rotation so that it is looking towards the provided position.", {['vector3'] = 'position'}, nil),
events = {
addDocs("compoundGroup", {
properties = {
rotation = property("undefined"),
position = property("undefined"),
linearFactor = property("undefined"),
linearVelocity = property("undefined"),
friction = property("undefined"),
className = property("undefined"),
linearDamping = property("undefined"),
static = property("undefined"),
restitution = property("undefined"),
angularDamping = property("undefined"),
angularVelocity = property("undefined"),
name = property("undefined"),
angularFactor = property("undefined"),
methods = {
applyImpulse = method("undefined", nil, nil),
applyTorque = method("undefined", nil, nil),
applyForce = method("undefined", nil, nil),
applyForceAtPosition = method("undefined", nil, nil),
applyImpulseAtPosition = method("undefined", nil, nil),
applyTorqueImpulse = method("undefined", nil, nil),
events = {
mouseLeftPressed = event("undefined", {}),
collisionStarted = event("undefined", {}),
mouseLeftReleased = event("undefined", {}),
mouseRightPressed = event("undefined", {}),
mouseRightReleased = event("undefined", {}),
collisionEnded = event("undefined", {}),
mouseMiddleReleased = event("undefined", {}),
mouseMiddlePressed = event("undefined", {}),
addDocs("light", {
properties = {
rotation = property("undefined"),
shadowNearClip = property("undefined"),
power = property("undefined"),
specularColour = property("undefined"),
radius = property("undefined"),
shadowFarClip = property("undefined"),
lumThreshold = property("undefined"),
className = property("undefined"),
position = property("undefined"),
type = property("undefined"),
shadows = property("undefined"),
diffuseColour = property("undefined"),
shadowFarDistance = property("undefined"),
falloff = property("undefined"),
methods = {
lookAt = method("undefined", nil, nil),
events = {
addDocs("grid", {
properties = {
step = property("undefined"),
rotation = property("undefined"),
size = property("undefined"),
colour = property("undefined"),
className = property("undefined"),
position = property("undefined"),
methods = {
lookAt = method("undefined", nil, nil),
events = {
addDocs("line", {
properties = {
colour = property("undefined"),
positionB = property("undefined"),
className = property("undefined"),
positionA = property("undefined"),
methods = {
events = {
addDocs("audioEmitter", {
properties = {
className = property("undefined"),
position = property("Location of the sound in 3D space"),
pitch = property("undefined"),
audioFile = property("The file that teverse will use to load sound, using [[resource locators]]."),
gain = property("undefined"),
loop = property("undefined"),
methods = {
play = method("play the loaded audio file", nil, nil),
events = {
addDocs("sounds", {
properties = {
name = property("undefined"),
className = property("undefined"),
methods = {
play = method("undefined", nil, nil),
events = {
addDocs("guiFrame", {
properties = {
className = property("undefined"),
methods = {
events = {
addDocs("guiFrameMultiColour", {
properties = {
topLeftColour = property("undefined"),
topRightColour = property("undefined"),
topRightAlpha = property("undefined"),
bottomLeftColour = property("undefined"),
className = property("undefined"),
bottomLeftAlpha = property("undefined"),
topLeftAlpha = property("undefined"),
bottomRightColour = property("undefined"),
bottomRightAlpha = property("undefined"),
methods = {
events = {
addDocs("guiScrollView", {
properties = {
viewOffset = property("undefined"),
scrollBarWidth = property("undefined"),
canvasSize = property("undefined"),
className = property("undefined"),
scrollBarColour = property("undefined"),
methods = {
events = {
addDocs("interface", {
properties = {
className = property("undefined"),
methods = {
events = {
addDocs("guiTextBox", {
properties = {
readOnly = property("undefined"),
multiline = property("undefined"),
className = property("undefined"),
methods = {
setAsPasswordInput = method("undefined", nil, nil),
focus = method("undefined", nil, nil),
setTextColour = method("undefined", nil, nil),
setText = method("undefined", nil, nil),
events = {
textInput = event("undefined", {}),
addDocs("guiButton", {
properties = {
className = property("undefined"),
hoverCursor = property("undefined"),
selected = property("undefined"),
methods = {
events = {
addDocs("guiTextBase", {
properties = {
fontSize = property("undefined"),
className = property("undefined"),
align = property("undefined"),
textColour = property("undefined"),
wrap = property("undefined"),
textAlpha = property("undefined"),
fontFile = property("undefined"),
text = property("undefined"),
methods = {
events = {
addDocs("guiImage", {
properties = {
imageAlpha = property("undefined"),
className = property("undefined"),
uvB = property("undefined"),
imageColour = property("undefined"),
uvA = property("undefined"),
texture = property("undefined"),
methods = {
events = {
addDocs("guiBase", {
description = "",
properties = {
methods = {
bindSizeBreakpoint = method("", {
breakpoint = "enums.sizeBreakpoint",
properties = "table"
properties = {
zIndex = property("undefined"),
rotation = property("undefined"),
position = property("undefined"),
visible = property("undefined"),
cropChildren = property("undefined"),
handleEvents = property("undefined"),
borderAlpha = property("undefined"),
className = property("undefined"),
borderColour = property("undefined"),
hoverCursor = property("undefined"),
borderRadius = property("undefined"),
backgroundColour = property("undefined"),
backgroundAlpha = property("undefined"),
size = property("undefined"),
borderWidth = property("undefined"),
methods = {
bindSizeBreakpoint = method("", {['table'] = 'properties', ['enums.sizeBreakpoint'] = 'breakpoint'}, nil),
events = {
keyUnfocused = event("undefined", {}),
mouseFocused = event("undefined", {}),
keyReleased = event("undefined", {}),
mouseRightDragged = event("undefined", {}),
mouseLeftDragged = event("undefined", {}),
keyFocused = event("undefined", {}),
mouseMiddleReleased = event("undefined", {}),
mouseMiddlePressed = event("undefined", {}),
mouseMiddleDragged = event("undefined", {}),
mouseScrolled = event("undefined", {}),
mouseRightReleased = event("undefined", {}),
keyPressed = event("undefined", {}),
mouseRightPressed = event("undefined", {}),
mouseLeftReleased = event("undefined", {}),
mouseUnfocused = event("undefined", {}),
mouseLeftPressed = event("undefined", {}),
addDocs("tween", {
properties = {
license = property("undefined"),
className = property("undefined"),
name = property("undefined"),
methods = {
begin = method("undefined", nil, nil),
create = method("undefined", nil, nil),
events = {
addDocs("workshop", {
properties = {
className = property("undefined"),
interface = property("undefined"),
gameCloudId = property("undefined"),
name = property("undefined"),
gameFilePath = property("undefined"),
methods = {
disconnectGame = method("undefined", nil, nil),
joinGame = method("undefined", nil, nil),
hasLocalTevGit = method("undefined", nil, nil),
reloadCreate = method("undefined", nil, nil),
setTevGit = method("undefined", nil, nil),
saveGame = method("undefined", nil, nil),
setSettings = method("undefined", nil, nil),
setSoundDebug = method("undefined", nil, nil),
openFileDialogue = method("undefined", nil, nil),
newGame = method("undefined", nil, nil),
remoteTestServer = method("undefined", nil, nil),
reloadShaders = method("undefined", nil, nil),
clearGame = method("undefined", nil, nil),
apiDump = method("undefined", nil, nil),
getEventsOfObject = method("undefined", nil, nil),
isHomeRunning = method("undefined", nil, nil),
saveGameAsDialogue = method("undefined", nil, nil),
home = method("undefined", nil, nil),
getMembersOfInstance = method("undefined", nil, nil),
loadString = method("undefined", nil, nil),
getMembersOfObject = method("undefined", nil, nil),
publishDialogue = method("undefined", nil, nil),
setPhysicsDebug = method("undefined", nil, nil),
getSettings = method("undefined", nil, nil),
events = {
published = event("undefined", {}),
addDocs("baseClass", {
properties = {
name = property("A none unique identifier"),
className = property("The name of the object's class"),
methods = {
getDescendants = method("Returns a table of all descended objects", nil, {'table'}),
isContainer = method("Returns true if this object can contain other objects.", nil, {'boolean'}),
isA = method("Returns true if this object is derived from the className given.", {['string'] = 'className'}, {'boolean'}),
destroy = method("Locks the object before removing it from the hierarchy. Children will also be destroyed.", nil, nil),
getFullName = method("Returns a string including ancestor names", nil, {'string'}),
constructor = method("undefined", nil, nil),
destroyAllChildren = method("Invokes the destroy method on each child of this instance.", nil, nil),
hasChild = method("Returns true if this object has a child with the name given", {['string'] = 'name'}, {'boolean'}),
isDescendantOf = method("Returns true if this object is a descendant of the ancestor object given", {['baseClass'] = 'ancestor'}, {'boolean'}),
describe = method("", nil, {'string'}),
clone = method("Creates and returns a copy of this object", nil, {'variant'}),
events = {
changed = event("Fired when a property changes", {['propertyName'] = 'string', ['newValue'] = 'variant', ['oldValue'] = 'variant'}),
childAdded = event("Fired when a child is added", {['child'] = 'variant'}),
childRemoved = event("Fired when a child is removed", {['child'] = 'variant'}),
destroying = event("Fired just before an object is destroyed.", {}),
addDocs("engine", {
properties = {
input = property("A readonly property"),
guiImage = property("The default constructor for guiImage"),
audioEmitter = property("The default constructor for audioEmitter"),
guiFrameMultiColour = property("The default constructor for guiFrameMultiColour"),
compoundGroup = property("The default constructor for compoundGroup"),
sounds = property("A singleton used for playing global sounds."),
guiButton = property("The default constructor for guiButton"),
block = property("The default constructor for block"),
graphics = property("A singleton for graphics"),
guiScrollView = property("The default constructor for guiScrollView"),
platform = property("the current platform running Teverse"),
guiFrame = property("The default constructor for guiFrame"),
script = property("The default constructor for script"),
folder = property("The default constructor for folder"),
assets = property("The assets singleton"),
networking = property("The networking singleto"),
physics = property("The physics singleton"),
debug = property("The debug singleton"),
guiTextBox = property("The default constructor for guiTextBox"),
json = property("The JSON singleton"),
workspace = property("The workspace singleton"),
className = property("undefined"),
light = property("The default constructor for light"),
grid = property("The default constructor for grid"),
interface = property("The default interface singleto"),
tween = property("The tween singleton"),
name = property("undefined"),
line = property("The default constructor for line"),
methods = {
openUrl = method("opens the default web browser", {['string'] = 'url'}, nil),
construct = method("a generic constructor", {['string'] = 'className', ['variant'] = 'parent', ['table'] = 'properties'}, {'variant'}),
isAuthenticated = method("undefined", nil, nil),
events = {
return docs
Reference in New Issue