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@ -5,149 +5,359 @@
boolean isComplete()
Returns whether or not the multiblock is complete.
boolean isProcessing()
Returns whether or not the reactor is active.
String getProblem()
Returns an error describing why the reactor may not be functioning, e.g. "No Fuel", "Casing Incomplete", etc.
int getLengthX()
Returns the x-dimension of the reactor.
int getLengthY()
Returns the y-dimension of the reactor.
int getLengthZ()
Returns the z-dimension of the reactor.
int getEnergyStored()
Returns the current energy stored in the reactor.
int getMaxEnergyStored()
Returns the max energy stored by the reactor.
int getEnergyChange()
Returns the change in energy stored since the last tick.
double getCurrentProcessTime()
Returns the time the current fuel has been processing, in ticks.
double getHeatLevel()
Returns the current heat level of the reactor.
int getMaxHeatLevel()
Returns the max heat level of the reactor.
double getEfficiency()
Returns the efficiency of the reactor.
double getHeatMultiplier()
Returns the heat multiplier of the reactor.
double getFissionFuelTime()
Returns the base process time of the fuel currently being processed, in ticks.
double getFissionFuelPower()
Returns the base process power of the fuel currently being processed, in RF/t.
double getFissionFuelHeat()
Returns the base process heat of the fuel currently being processed, in H/t.
String getFissionFuelName()
Returns the name of the fuel currently being processed.
double getReactorProcessTime()
Returns the total process time of the current process - the base fuel process time, divided by the number of reactor cells.
double getReactorProcessPower()
Returns the power output of the current process - the base fuel process power, times the number of cells, times the efficiency.
double getReactorProcessHeat()
Returns the heat generation per tick of the current process - the base fuel process heat, times the number of cells, times the heat multiplier.
double getReactorCoolingRate()
Returns the cooling rate per tick of the reactor.
int getNumberOfCells()
Returns the number of reactor cells.
Object[] getReactorLayout() -> {{{reactorPosX, reactorPosY, reactorPosZ}, {blockName, blockMeta}},...}
Returns a table representing the current reactor layout, with the locations and types of each block.
void activate()
Activates the reactor.
void deactivate()
Deactivates the reactor.
void forceUpdate()
Forces a refresh of the multiblock, rechecking whether it is active, whether the multiblock is complete, etc.
Fusion Reactor - component.nc_fusion_reactor:
boolean isComplete()
Returns whether or not the multiblock is complete.
boolean isProcessing()
Returns whether or not the reactor is active.
boolean isHotEnough()
Returns whether the temperature is over 8000 kK.
String getProblem()
Returns an error describing why the reactor may not be functioning, e.g. "Ring Incomplete", "E-magnets not Powered", etc.
int getToroidSize()
Returns the inner core-to-plasma radius of the toroid.
int getEnergyStored()
Returns the current energy stored in the reactor core.
int getMaxEnergyStored()
Returns the max energy stored by the reactor core.
int getEnergyChange()
Returns the change in stored energy since the last tick.
double getCurrentProcessTime()
Returns the time elapsed since the start of the current process, in ticks.
double getTemperature()
Returns the current temperature of the reactor.
double getMaxTemperature()
Returns the maximum temperature of the reactor.
double getEfficiency()
Returns the current efficiency of the reactor.
double getFusionComboTime()
Returns the base process time of the current fuel combo.
double getFusionComboPower()
Returns the base process power of the current fuel combo.
double getFusionComboHeatVariable()
Returns the heat variable of the current fuel combo, proportional to the optimal temperature.
String getFirstFusionFuel()
Returns the fuel in the first input tank of the reactor.
String getSecondFusionFuel()
Returns the fuel in the second input tank of the reactor.
double getReactorProcessTime()
Returns the total process time of the current process - the base process time, divided by the toroid size.
double getReactorProcessPower()
Returns the power output of the current reactor process - the base process power, multiplied by the toroid size, multiplied by the efficiency.
double getReactorProcessHeat()
Returns the temperature change per tick of the current reactor process, in K/t.
double getReactorCoolingRate()
Returns the current reactor active cooling rate, in K/t.
void activate()
Activates the reactor.
void deactivate()
Deactivates the reactor.
Molten Salt Fission Reactor - component.nc_salt_fission_reactor:
boolean isComplete()
Returns whether or not the multiblock is complete.
boolean isReactorOn()
Returns whether or not the reactor is active.
int getLengthX()
Returns the x-dimension of the reactor.
int getLengthY()
Returns the y-dimension of the reactor.
int getLengthZ()
Returns the z-dimension of the reactor.
long getHeatStored()
Returns the current heat level of the reactor.
long getHeatCapacity()
Returns the max heat level of the reactor.
double getCoolingRate()
Returns the current cooling rate in K/t.
double getRawHeatingRate()
Returns the current heating rate in K/t.
double getNetHeatingRate()
Returns the current net heat change per tick.
double getRawEfficiency()
Returns the efficiency of the reactor.
double getHeatMultiplier()
Returns the heat multiplier of the reactor.
double getCoolingEfficiency()
Returns the cooling efficiency of the reactor.
int getNumberOfVessels()
Returns the number of vessels in the multiblock.
int getNumberOfHeaters()
Returns the number of heaters in the multiblock.
int getNumberOfModerators()
Returns the number of moderators in the multiblock.
Object[] getVesselStats() -> {{{posX, posY, posZ}, isProcessing, currentRecipeTime, processTime, processHeat, efficiency, heatMultiplier},...}
Returns a table containing the stats of all the vessels in the multiblock.
Object[] getHeaterStats() -> {{{posX, posY, posZ}, coolantName, isProcessing, currentRecipeTime, processTime, processCooling},...}
Returns a table containing the stats of all the heaters in the multiblock.
Object[] getModeratorStats() -> {{{posX, posY, posZ}, isInValidPosition, isInModerationLine},...}
Returns a table containing the stats of all the moderators in the multiblock.
void activate()
Activates the reactor.
void deactivate()
Deactivates the reactor.
void clearAll()
Voids all fluids from the reactor.
Heat Exchanger - component.nc_heat_exchanger:
boolean isComplete()
Returns whether or not the multiblock is complete.
boolean isReactorOn()
Returns the online/offline status of the heat exchanger.
int getLengthX()
Returns the x-dimension of the heat exchanger.
int getLengthY()
Returns the y-dimension of the heat exchanger.
int getLengthZ()
Returns the z-dimension of the heat exchanger.
double getFractionOfTubesActive()
Returns the ratio of active tubes to total tubes.
double getMeanEfficiency()
Returns the overall efficiency of the heat exchanger.
int getNumberOfExchangerTubes()
Returns the number of heat exchanger tubes in the heat exchanger.
int getNumberOfCondensationTubes()
Returns the number of condensation tubes in the reactor.
Object[] getExchangerTubeStats() -> {{{posX, posY, posZ}, conductivity, isProcessing, currentRecipeTime, processTime, speedMultiplier, inputTemperature, outputTemperature, flowDirection},...}
Returns a table containing the stats of all exchanger tubes in the reactor.
Object[] getCondensationTubeStats() -> {{{posX, posY, posZ}, conductivity, isProcessing, currentRecipeTime, processTime, speedMultiplier, condensingTemperature, {adjacentTemperatures}},...}
Returns a table containing the stats of all condensation tubes in the reactor.
void activate()
Activates the heat exchanger.
void deactivate()
Deactivates the heat exchanger.
void clearAll()
Voids all fluids from the heat exchanger.
Turbine - component.nc_turbine:
boolean isComplete()
Returns whether or not the multiblock is complete.
boolean isReactorOn()
Returns the online/offline status of the turbine.
int getLengthX()
Returns the x-dimension of the turbine.
int getLengthY()
Returns the y-dimension of the turbine.
int getLengthZ()
Returns the z-dimension of the turbine.
boolean isProcessing()
Returns whether the turbine is currently online and processing.
int getEnergyStored()
Returns current energy stored within the turbine.
int getEnergyCapacity()
Returns the current total energy stored within the turbine.
double getPower()
Returns the current turbine power.
double getCoilConductivity()
Returns the coil effective conductivity.
String getFlowDirection()
Returns the flow direction e.g. "North", "Up", etc.
double getTotalExpansionLevel()
Returns the total expansion level of the turbine.
double getIdealTotalExpansionLevel()
Returns the ideal expansion level of the turbine.
double[] getExpansionLevels()
Returns a table with the expansion levels at each set of blades.
double[] getIdealExpansionLevels()
Returns a table with the ideal expansion levels at each set of blades.
double[] getBladeEfficiencies()
Returns a table with the efficiencies of each set of blades.
int getInputRate()
Returns the fluid input rate.
int getNumberOfDynamoCoils()
Returns the number of coils.
Object[] getDynamoCoilStats() -> {{{posX, posY, posZ}, coilType, isInValidPosition},...}
Returns the position, types and validity of each coil in a table.
void activate()
Activates the turbine.
void deactivate()
Deactivates the turbine.
void clearAll()
Voids all gases within the turbine.
Geiger Counter - component.nc_geiger_counter:
double getChunkRadiationLevel()
Returns the current radiation level of the Geiger counter's chunk, in Rads/t.
Radiation Scrubber - component.nc_radiation_scrubber:
double getRadiationRemovalRate()
Returns the scrubber's current radiation removal rate, in Rads/t.
double getEfficiency()
Returns the efficiency of the scrubber.
Reference in New Issue